The Ethical Hacking Process

The Ethical Hacking Process

Likepractically any IT or security project, ethical hacking needs to be planned in advance. Strategic and  tactical issues in the  ethical hacking process should be determined and  agreed upon. Planning is important for any amount of testing — from a simple password-cracking test to an all-out penetration test on a Web application.
Formulating your plan
Approval for ethical hacking is essential. Make what  you’re  doing  known  and visible  — at least to the  decision makers. Obtaining sponsorship of the  project is the  first step. This could be your  manager, an executive, a customer, or
even  yourself if you’re  the  boss. You need someone to back  you up and  sign off on your  plan.  Otherwise, your  testing may be called off unexpectedly if someone claims they  never authorized you to perform the  tests.
 The authorization can be as simple as an internal memo  from your  boss if you’re  performing these tests on your  own systems. If you’re  testing for a customer, have  a signed contract in place, stating the customer’s support and authorization. Get written approval on this  sponsorship as soon as possible to ensure that none of your  time or effort is wasted. This documentation is your  Get Out of Jail Free card if anyone questions what  you’re  doing.
You need a detailed plan,  but  that doesn’t mean you have  to have  volumes of testing procedures. One slip can crash your  systems — not  necessarily what anyone wants. A well-defined scope includes the  following  information:
  Specific  systems to be tested
  Risks that are involved
  When the  tests are performed and  your  overall timeline
  How the  tests are performed
  How much knowledge of the  systems you have  before you start testing
  What is done when  a major vulnerability is discovered
  The specific deliverables — this  includes security-assessment reports and a higher-level report outlining the  general vulnerabilities to be addressed, along  with countermeasures that should be implemented
 When selecting systems to test, start with the  most critical or vulnerable systems. For instance, you can test computer passwords or attempt social- engineering attacks before drilling  down  into more detailed systems.
 It pays  to have  a contingency plan  for your  ethical hacking process in case something goes  awry.  What if you’re  assessing your  firewall  or Web applica- tion,  and  you take  it down?  This can cause system unavailability, which can reduce system performance or employee productivity. Even worse, it could cause loss  of data integrity, loss  of data, and  bad  publicity.
 Handle  social-engineering and  denial-of-service attacks carefully. Determine how they  can affect the  systems you’re  testing and  your  entire organization.

 Determining when  the  tests are performed is something that you must think long and  hard about. Do you test during normal business hours? How about late at night  or early  in the morning so that production systems aren’t affected? Involve  others to make sure they  approve of your  timing.
 The best approach is an unlimited attack, wherein any type  of test is possi- ble. The bad  guys aren’t hacking your  systems within a limited scope, so why should you? Some exceptions to this  approach are performing DoS, social- engineering, and  physical-security tests.
 Don’t stop with one security hole.  This can lead  to a false sense of security. Keep going to see  what  else you can discover. I’m not  saying  to keep  hacking  until the  end  of time or until you crash all your  systems. Simply pursue the path you’re  going down  until you can’t  hack  it any longer (pun intended).
 One of your  goals  may be to perform the  tests without being  detected. For example, you may be performing your  tests on remote systems or on a remote office, and  you don’t  want  the  users to be aware of what  you’re  doing.  Other- wise, the  users may be on to you and  be on their best behavior.
 You don’t  need extensive knowledge of the  systems you’re  testing — just  a basic understanding. This will help  you protect the  tested systems.
 Understanding the  systems you’re  testing shouldn’t be difficult  if you’re  hack- ing your  own in-house systems. If you’re  hacking a customer’s systems, you may have  to dig deeper. In fact, I’ve never had  a customer ask for a fully blind assessment. Most people are scared of these assessments. Base the  type  of test you will perform on your  organization’s or customer’s needs.
 Chapter 19 covers hiring  “reformed” hackers.
Selecting tools
 As with any project, if you don’t have  the right  tools for ethical hacking, accom- plishing the  task  effectively is difficult.  Having said  that, just  because you use the  right  tools doesn’t mean that you will discover all vulnerabilities.
 Know the  personal and  technical limitations. Many security-assessment tools generate false positives and negatives (incorrectly identifying vulnerabilities). Others may miss  vulnerabilities. If you’re  performing tests such as social- engineering or physical-security assessments, you may miss  weaknesses.
 Many tools focus  on specific tests, but  no one tool can test for everything. For the  same reason that you wouldn’t drive  in a nail with a screwdriver, you shouldn’t use  a word processor to scan your  network for open ports. This is why you need a set  of specific tools that you can call on for the  task  at hand. The more tools you have,  the  easier your  ethical hacking efforts are.
 Make sure you that you’re  using  the  right  tool for the  task:
   To crack passwords, you need a cracking tool such as LC4, John  the
Ripper, or pwdump.
 A general port scanner, such as SuperScan, may not  crack passwords.
   For an in-depth analysis of a Web application, a Web-application assess- ment tool (such as Whisker or WebInspect) is more appropriate than a network analyzer (such as Ethereal).
  When selecting the  right  security tool for the  task,  ask around. Get advice from your  colleagues and  from other people online. A simple Groups search on Google ( or perusal of security portals, such as,, and, often  produces great feedback from other security experts.
 Hundreds, if not  thousands, of tools can be used for ethical hacking — from your  own words and  actions to software-based vulnerability-assessment pro- grams to hardware-based network analyzers. The following  list runs down some of my favorite commercial, freeware, and  open-source security tools:
  LC4 (formerly called L0phtcrack)
  LANguard Network Security Scanner
  Network Stumbler
  Here are some other popular tools:
  Internet Scanner
I discuss these tools and  many  others in Parts II through V when  I go into the specific hack  attacks. Appendix A contains a more comprehensive listing  of these tools for your  reference.
 The capabilities of many  security and  hacking tools are often  misunderstood. This misunderstanding has  shed negative light on some excellent tools, such as SATAN (Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing  Networks) and  Nmap (Network Mapper).
 Some of these tools are complex. Whichever tools you use,  familiarize yourself with them before you start using  them. Here are ways to do that:
    Read the  readme and/or online  help  files for your  tools.
   Study  the  user’s guide  for your  commercial tools.
  Consider formal  classroom training from the  security-tool vendor or another third-party training provider, if available.
Look for these characteristics in tools for ethical hacking:
  Adequate documentation.
  Detailed reports on the  discovered vulnerabilities, including how they may be exploited and  fixed.
  Updates and  support when  needed.
  High-level reports that can be presented to managers or nontechie types. These features can save  you time and  effort when  you’re  writing  the  report.
Executing the plan
 Ethical hacking can take  persistence. Time and  patience are important. Be careful when  you’re  performing your  ethical hacking tests. A hacker in your network or a seemingly benign employee looking  over  your  shoulder may watch what’s  going on. This person could use  this  information against you.
 It’s not  practical to make sure that no hackers are on your  systems before you start. Just  make sure you keep  everything as quiet and  private as possi-  ble. This is especially critical when  transmitting and  storing your  test results. If possible, encrypt these e-mails and  files using  Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) or something similar. At a minimum, password-protect them.
 You’re now on a reconnaissance mission. Harness as much information as possible about your  organization and  systems, which is what  malicious hack- ers  do. Start with a broad view and  narrow your  focus:
 1.  Search  the Internet  for your organization’s name,  your computer and network system  names, and your IP addresses.
 Google is a great place to start for this.
 2.  Narrow your scope, targeting the specific systems you’re testing.
 Whether physical-security structures or Web applications, a casual assessment can turn up much information about your  systems.
 3.  Further narrow  your focus  with a more critical  eye.  Perform  actual scans  and other  detailed tests on your systems.
 4.  Perform  the attacks,  if that’s what you choose to do.
 Evaluating results
 Assess your  results to see  what  you uncovered, assuming that the  vulnerabil- ities  haven’t been made obvious before now. This is where knowledge counts. Evaluating the  results and  correlating the  specific vulnerabilities discovered
is a skill that gets  better with experience. You’ll end  up knowing your  systems as well as anyone else.  This makes the  evaluation process much simpler moving forward.
 Submit  a formal  report to upper management or to your  customer, outlining your  results. Keep these other parties in the  loop  to show  that your  efforts and  their money are well spent. Chapter 17 describes this  process.
Moving on
 When you’ve finished your  ethical hacking tests, you still need to implement your  analysis and  recommendations to make sure your  systems are secure.

 New security vulnerabilities continually appear. Information systems con- stantly change and  become more complex. New hacker exploits and  security vulnerabilities are regularly uncovered. You may discover new ones! Security tests are a snapshot of the  security posture of your  systems. At any time, everything can change, especially after  software upgrades, adding computer systems, or applying patches. Plan to test regularly (for example, once a
Obeying the Ethical Hacking Commandments

Obeying the Ethical Hacking Commandments

Every ethical hacker must abide by a few basic commandments. If not,  bad things can happen. I’ve seen these commandments ignored or forgotten when planning or executing ethical hacking tests. The results weren’t positive.
Working ethically
The word ethical in this  context can be defined as working  with high profes- sional morals and principles. Whether you’re  performing ethical hacking tests against your  own systems or for someone who has  hired you, everything you do as an ethical hacker must be aboveboard and must support the  company’s goals.  No hidden agendas are allowed!
Trustworthiness is the  ultimate tenet. The misuse of information is absolutely forbidden. That’s what  the  bad  guys do.
Respecting privacy
Treat the  information you gather with the  utmost respect. All information you obtain during your  testing — from Web-application log files to clear-text passwords — must be kept  private. Don’t use  this  information to snoop into confidential corporate information or private lives. If you sense that someone should know there’s a problem, consider sharing that information with the appropriate manager.
            Involve  others in your  process. This is a “watch the  watcher” system that can build  trust and  support your  ethical hacking projects.
Not crashing your systems
One of the  biggest mistakes I’ve seen when  people try to hack  their own sys- tems is inadvertently crashing their systems. The main  reason for this  is poor planning. These testers have  not  read the  documentation or misunderstand the  usage and  power of the  security tools and  techniques.
You can easily  create DoS conditions on your  systems when  testing. Running too  many  tests too  quickly  on a system causes many  system lockups. I know because I’ve done this! Don’t rush things and  assume that a network or spe- cific host can handle the  beating that network scanners and  vulnerability- assessment tools can dish  out.
Many security-assessment tools can control how many  tests are performed on a system at the  same time.  These tools are especially handy if you need to run  the  tests on production systems during regular business hours.

You can even  create an account or system lockout condition by social engi- neering someone into changing a password, not  realizing that doing  so might create a system lockout condition.
Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Introduction to Ethical Hacking

In This Chapter 
  Understanding hacker objectives
  Outlining the  differences between ethical hackers and malicious hackers
  Examining how the  ethical hacking process has  come about
  Understanding the  dangers that your  computer systems face
  Starting the  ethical hacking process
His book  is about hacking ethically — the  science of testing your  comput- ers  and  network for security vulnerabilities and  plugging the  holes you
find before the  bad  guys get a chance to exploit them.
Although ethical is an often  overused and  misunderstood word, the  Merriam- Webster dictionary defines ethical perfectly for the  context of this  book  and the  professional security testing techniques that I cover — that is, conforming to accepted professional standards  of conduct. IT practitioners are obligated to perform all the  tests covered in this  book  aboveboard and  only after  permis- sion has  been obtained by the owner(s) of the systems — hence the disclaimer in the  introduction.
How Hackers Beget Ethical Hackers
We’ve all heard of hackers. Many of us have  even  suffered the  consequences of hacker actions. So who are these hackers? Why is it important to know about them? The next  few sections give you the  lowdown on hackers.

Defining hacker
Hacker is a word that has  two meanings:
Traditionally, a hacker is someone who likes to tinker with software or electronic systems. Hackers enjoy  exploring and  learning how computer systems operate. They  love discovering new ways to work electronically.
Recently, hacker  has  taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously breaks into  systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are crackers  (criminal hackers). Crackers break into  (crack) systems with malicious intent. They  are  out  for personal gain: fame, profit, and  even revenge. They  modify,  delete, and  steal critical information, often  making other people miserable.
The good-guy (white-hat) hackers don’t  like being  in the  same category as the bad-guy (black-hat) hackers. (These terms come from Western movies where the  good  guys wore  white  cowboy hats and  the  bad  guys wore  black  cowboy hats.) Whatever the  case, most people give hacker  a negative connotation.
Many malicious hackers claim that they  don’t  cause damage but  instead are altruistically helping others. Yeah, right.  Many malicious hackers are elec- tronic thieves.
In this  book,  I use  the  following  terminology:
Hackers (or bad guys) try to compromise computers.
Ethical hackers (or good guys) protect computers against illicit entry.
Hackers go for almost any system they  think  they  can compromise. Some prefer prestigious, well-protected systems, but  hacking into anyone’s system increases their status in hacker circles.
Ethical Hacking 101
You need protection from hacker shenanigans. An ethical hacker  possesses the skills, mindset, and  tools of a hacker but  is also  trustworthy. Ethical hack- ers  perform the  hacks as security tests for their systems.
If you perform ethical hacking tests for customers or simply  want  to add another certification to your  credentials, you may want  to consider the  ethi- cal hacker certification Certified Ethical Hacker,  which is sponsored by EC- Council.  See for more information.
Ethical hacking — also  known  as penetration testing or white-hat  hacking  — involves the  same tools, tricks, and  techniques that hackers use,  but  with one major difference: Ethical hacking is legal. Ethical hacking is performed with the target’s permission. The intent of ethical hacking is to discover vulnera- bilities from a hacker’s viewpoint so systems can be better secured. It’s part of an overall information risk management program that allows  for ongoing security improvements. Ethical hacking can also  ensure that vendors’ claims about the  security of their products are legitimate.
To hack  your  own systems like the  bad  guys, you must think  like they  think. It’s absolutely critical to know your  enemy; see  Chapter 2 for details.
Understanding the Need to
Hack Your Own Systems
To catch a thief, think  like a thief. That’s the  basis for ethical hacking.
The law of averages works  against security. With the  increased numbers and expanding knowledge of hackers combined with the growing  number of system vulnerabilities and  other unknowns, the  time will come when  all computer systems are hacked or compromised in some way. Protecting your  systems from the  bad  guys — and  not  just  the  generic vulnerabilities that everyone knows  about — is absolutely critical. When you know hacker tricks, you can see  how vulnerable your  systems are.
Hacking preys on weak security practices and  undisclosed vulnerabilities. Firewalls, encryption, and  virtual private networks (VPNs) can create a false feeling of safety. These security systems often  focus  on high-level vulnerabili- ties,  such as viruses and traffic through a firewall, without affecting how hack- ers work. Attacking your  own systems to discover vulnerabilities is a step to making  them more secure. This is the only proven method of greatly hardening your  systems from attack. If you don’t  identify weaknesses, it’s a matter of time before the  vulnerabilities are exploited.

As hackers expand their knowledge, so should you. You must think  like them to protect your  systems from them. You, as the  ethical hacker, must know activities hackers carry out  and  how to stop their efforts. You should know what  to look for and  how to use  that information to thwart hackers’ efforts.
You don’t  have  to protect your  systems from everything. You can’t.  The only protection against everything is to unplug your  computer systems and  lock them away so no one can touch them — not  even  you. That’s not  the  best approach to information security. What’s important is to protect your  sys- tems from known  vulnerabilities and  common hacker attacks.
It’s impossible to buttress all possible vulnerabilities on all your  systems. You can’t  plan  for all possible attacks — especially the  ones that are currently unknown. However, the more combinations you try — the more you test whole systems instead of individual units — the  better your  chances of discovering vulnerabilities that affect everything as a whole.
Don’t take  ethical hacking too  far, though. It makes little sense to harden your systems from unlikely  attacks. For instance, if you don’t have  a lot of foot traffic
 in your  office and  no internal Web server running, you may not  have  as much to worry about as an Internet hosting provider would  have.  However, don’t forget  about insider threats from malicious employees!
Your overall goals  as an ethical hacker should be as follows:

  Hack your  systems in a nondestructive fashion.

  Enumerate vulnerabilities and,  if necessary, prove to upper management that vulnerabilities exist.

  Apply results to remove vulnerabilities and  better secure your  systems.
Understanding the Dangers
Your Systems Face
It’s one thing  to know that your  systems generally are under fire from hackers around the  world. It’s another to understand specific attacks against your  sys- tems that are possible. This section offers  some well-known attacks but  is by no means a comprehensive listing.  That  requires its own book:  Hack Attacks Encyclopedia, by John  Chirillo  (Wiley Publishing, Inc.).
Many information-security vulnerabilities aren’t critical by themselves. However, exploiting several vulnerabilities at the  same time can take  its toll. For example, a default Windows OS configuration, a weak SQL Server admin- istrator password, and  a server hosted on a wireless network may not  be major security concerns separately. But exploiting all three of these vulnera- bilities at the  same time can be a serious issue.
Nontechnical attacks
Exploits that involve  manipulating people — end  users and  even  yourself — are the  greatest vulnerability within any computer or network infrastructure. Humans are trusting by nature, which can lead  to social-engineering exploits. Social engineering is defined as the exploitation of the trusting nature of human beings to gain information for malicious purposes. I cover social engineering in depth in Chapter 5.
Other common and effective attacks against information systems are physical. Hackers break into buildings, computer rooms, or other areas containing crit- ical information or property. Physical attacks can include dumpster diving (rummaging through trash cans and  dumpsters for intellectual property, passwords, network diagrams, and  other information).
 Network-infrastructure attacks
Hacker  attacks against network infrastructures can be easy,  because many networks can be reached from anywhere in the  world via the  Internet. Here are some examples of
Network-infrastructure attacks:
Connecting into a network through a rogue modem attached to a computer behind a firewall
Exploiting weaknesses in network transport mechanisms, such as TCP/IP
and  NetBIOS
Flooding a network with too  many  requests, creating a denial of service
(DoS) for legitimate requests
  Installing a network analyzer on a network and  capturing every packet that travels across it, revealing confidential information in clear text
  Piggybacking onto a network through an insecure 802.11b wireless configuration
Operating-system attacks
Hacking operating systems (OSs) is a preferred method of the  bad  guys. OSs comprise a large  portion of hacker attacks simply  because every computer has  one and  so many  well-known exploits can be used against them.

Occasionally, some operating systems that are more secure out  of the  box — such as Novell NetWare and  the  flavors of BSD UNIX — are attacked, and vulnerabilities turn up. But hackers prefer attacking operating systems like Windows and  Linux because they  are widely  used and  better known  for their vulnerabilities.

Here are some examples of attacks on operating systems:
Exploiting specific protocol implementations
Attacking built-in  authentication systems
 Breaking file-system security
  Cracking passwords and  encryption mechanisms
Application and other specialized attacks
Applications take  a lot of hits  by hackers. Programs such as e-mail server software and  Web applications often  are beaten down:
   Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and  Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) applications are frequently attacked because most firewalls and other security mechanisms are configured to allow full access to these programs from the  Internet.
  Malicious software (malware) includes viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and spyware. Malware clogs  networks and  takes down  systems.
  Spam  (junk e-mail) is wreaking havoc on system availability and  storage space. And it can carry malware.
  Ethical hacking helps reveal such attacks against your  computer systems. Parts II through V of this  book  cover these attacks in detail, along  with spe- cific countermeasures you can implement against attacks on your  systems.

10. ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)

10. ALBERT EINSTEIN (1879-1955)

Albert Einstein, no doubt, the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Scholars unparalleled throughout the period. Including for the theory of "relativity" of his. Actually, this theory are the two theories are linked to each other: special theory of "relativity" were formulated in 1905 and the general theory of "relativity" were formulated in 1915, better known as Einstein's law of gravity. Both of these theories very complexity, because it is not the place here to explain as it is, however rudimentary description of the problem of special relativity there is briefly mentioned. Proverb says, "everything is relative." Einstein's theory is not just chewing on that phrase almost drab. He means a mathematical definite opinion about the scientific principles are actually relative. Essentially, a subjective assessment of the time and space depending on the adherents. Before Einstein, most people continue to believe that behind a subjective impression there is space and absolute time that can be measured objectively with the equipment. Einstein's theory of the revolutionary overturn scientific thought by rejecting the existence of the absolute time. The following example may illustrate just how radical his theory, he said he was overhauling how we think about space and time.

Imagine a spaceship --sebutlah name X - gliding speed away from Earth at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per second. Speed ​​is measured by observers, both in the spacecraft X or on earth, and those measurements simultaneously. Meanwhile, a spacecraft named Y sliding speed in the same direction with the spacecraft X but with excessive speed. If observers on Earth measure the speed of spaceship Y, they knew that the plane was moving away from Earth at a speed of 180,000 kilometers per second. Observers at the top of the spacecraft Y will be similar conclusion.

Well, because the spacecraft was moving in the same direction, it would seem that the difference in speed between the two aircraft was 80,000 kilometers per second and faster aircraft that can not will not move away from the slower aircraft at this speed levels.

However, Einstein's theory into account, if the observations were made of the two spacecraft, they will agree that the distance between them increases the size of the rate of 100,000 kilometers per second, instead of 80,000 kilometers per second.

This appears to be impossible. It looks like a mockery. Readers suspect if there is the scent of deceit. Lest suspect there are hidden details. In fact, not at all! This result has nothing to do with the energy used to propel them.

Nothing wrong observation. As a result, there was nothing lacking, broken tools or twisted cables. Seamless, smooth, not deceive. According to Einstein, the conclusion that the aforementioned solely as a result of the true nature of space and time that could've calculated through a formula composition particulars speed.

Seems to be a theoretical awesomeness, and indeed years people away from the "theory of relativity" is like away from the hypothesis of the "ivory tower," as though that theory has no significance at all. Nobody --tentu just NO-- make mistakes until 1945 when the atomic bomb sweeps of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. One of the conclusions "theory of relativity" Einstein is matter and energy are in a sense that is balanced with and the relationship between them is defined as E = mc2. E shows the energy and m indicates the mass of the object, whereas c is the speed of light. Well, because c is equal to 180,000 kilometers per second (meaning a very large number of digits) by itself c2 (meaning c x c) Any erratic tepermanai not large in number. Thus meaning, although the conversion of a fraction of objects able to spend enormous amounts of energy.

A frivolous person could never make an atomic bomb or nuclear power stations solely adhering to the formula E = mc2. It must also be studied deeply, many people play an important role in the process of generating atomic energy. Yet, somehow, the mind Einstein's contribution is not doubt. Nothing bicker in this matter. Further than that, none other than the one that Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt in 1939, indicating exposure to potentially make atomic weapons and also stressed the importance for the United States as soon as possible make the weapon before preceded Germany. The notion that further embodies the "Manhattan Project" that could eventually create the first atomic bomb.

"Special relativity" warm inviting different opinions, but in one sense all agree, that theory is the most dubious ideas ever formulated humans. However, each person turns misled by the "theory of general relativity" Einstein was the starting point of other thoughts that the influence of gravity is not due to physical strength in the usual sense, but rather a result of the curved shape of the space itself, an opinion which is very astonishing!

How can one measure the shape of curved space?

Einstein is not just to develop theoretically, but poured into a mathematical formula that is clear and obvious that people can make a real prediction and hypothesis can be tested. The next observation is the most brilliant --and because it is done when a solar eclipse total-- has repeatedly believed to be true because it coincides completely with what Einstein said.

General theory of relativity stands apart in some respects with all scientific laws. First, Einstein did not formulate his theory on the basis of experiments, but the fundamentals of symmetry and mathematical subtlety. In short rests on a rational basis as usual habit of the Greek philosophers and scholars middle of the century did. This means, Einstein different ways by modern scientists methods empirically minded. However, there is also a difference: the Greek thinker in terms of beauty and symmetry craving never successfully manage and find a theory that mechanical able to survive the test experiments are complicated-complicated, whereas Einstein can survive successfully in each trial. One result of this approach is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is considered a very beautiful, stylish, strong and intellectually satisfying of all scientific theories.

The theory of general relativity is also in some ways stand separately. Most other scientific laws only roughly be valid. There is taxable in many ways, but not all. As for the general theory of relativity, all the knowledge, fully accepted without exception. There are no circumstances unknown, both to theoretical or practical experiments which show that the predictions of the general theory of relativity only applies approx. Could have been experiments in the future defamatory perfect results ever achieved by any theory, but as far as the general theory of relativity, clearly remains the most reliable approach for any scientist in its efforts towards the final truth.

Although Einstein was extremely famous "theory of relativity" it, the success of his work in other scientific fields also made famous as the scientist in every facet. In fact, Einstein earned the Nobel Prize for physics, especially because of his written thoughts reveal photoelectric effects, an important phenomenon that previously was puzzled scholars. In the work of Einstein's scientific literature that proves the existence of photons, or particles of light.

The old notion through experiments that halting say that light consists of electro-magnetic waves, and waves and particles are opposite concepts. While Einstein hypothesis indicates a radical difference and very contrary to the classical theories. Not only the law of photo electric proven to have important meaning in use, but the hypothesis of the photon had a major influence in the development of quantum theory (hypothesis that the radiation, the energy of electrons ejected is not continuous but in a certain amount) which is now a part and parcel of that theory.

In terms of assessing the significance of Einstein, a comparison with Isaac Newton is striking. Newton's theory is basically easy to understand, and his genius already apparent at the beginning of development. While the "theory of relativity" Einstein was extremely difficult to understand even through the explanations carefully and cautiously. Much more complicated if recapitulate the original! When some of the ideas Newton clash with scientific ideas of his time, his theory never looked faded or wavered in his stance. In contrast, the "theory of relativity" is full of contradictory things. This is part of the genius of Einstein that in the beginning, when the idea is still an untested hypothesis is put forward as a young man teenager who was entirely unknown, he never let contradictions do exist and abandoning his theory. Instead instead he very carefully and cautiously ponder continued until he was able to show that this contradiction is only on birth alone while actually each problem is always available to solve the contradiction that in a subtle way, but astute and assertive.

Now, we consider Einstein's theory was basically more "correct" than Newton's theory. If so is the case why Einstein was placed Further down the list is the level of the order book?

The reason provided. First, the theories of Newton was the foundation stone and the stone of modern science and technology. Without the work of Newton, we would not see modern technology today. Instead of Einstein.

There is another factor which is why the position of Einstein in the order that the reader witnessed. In many ways, the development of an idea involving donations minds of many people. It was obvious example in the history of socialism affairs, or in the development of the theory of electric and magnetic. Although not 100% Einstein formulated the "theory of relativity" with his own brain, which is definitely the most part does its share. It is fair to say that judging from a comparison of the importance of other ideas, theories of relativity mainly derived from the creation of one, the genius and the topnotch, Einstein.

Einstein discussed his theories.
Einstein was born in 1879, in the city of Ulm, Germany. He entered college in Switzerland and became a Swiss citizen in 1900. In 1905 he received a doctorate from the University of Zurich, but (oddly) can not achieve academic position at the time. In the same year he published a working paper concerning the relative "Special," about the photoelectric effect, and the theory of Brownian motion. In just a few years working papers, especially concerning relativity, has made him one of the most brilliant scientists and most original in the world. His theories were very controversial. No scientist except Darwin world ever created a controversial situation like Einstein. As a result of that, in 1913 he was appointed as a professor at the University of Berlin and at the time coincided became Director of the Institute of Physics "Kaiser Wilhelm" and membership of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. These positions are not tied to freely devote full-time conduct investigations, whenever he likes.

The German government did not regret flush Einstein with a long row of special position it for exactly two years later Einstein succeeded in formulating "general theory of relativity," and in 1921 he received the Nobel Prize. Throughout the latter half of his life, Einstein became a byword the world, and almost certainly he illustrious scientist ever born into the world.

Because Einstein was a Jew, life in Germany became unsafe as Hitler rose to power. In 1933 he moved to Princeton, New Jersey, United States, working at the Institute for Advanced Study of High and in 1940 became a US citizen. Einstein's first marriage led to divorce, only the second marriage seems happy new. Had two children, both boys. Einstein died in 1955 at Princeton.

Einstein always interested in the world around humanitarian affairs and often express political views. He is a steadfast fighter against tyranny political system, an enthusiastic supporter of the pacifist movement, and a steadfast supporter of Zionism. In terms of dress and social customs he seemed a very individualistic. Like humor, simple, and there is talent violin string. The inscription on the gravestone Newton's tomb reads: "merry the spirits for decoration left behind for humanity!" they are more subject to Einstein.

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Hundred Most Influential People in History
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Translation H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. World Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Central Jakarta


Colombus, in an attempt to find a way out of Europe to the East, was accidentally encountered the Americas that makes it more influential in the history of the world, to her surprise yourself. His discovery as well as a crown of exploration and colonization of the New World and at the same time is also an important milestone in the history. Colombus is like opening the door to the European continent for two new settlements, spread out the population and provide a source of mineral wealth and fill the earth which in turn changed the face of Europe. Concurrent with that, discovery also resulted in the destruction of the culture of the Indians. In the long term, the discovery gave birth to a new nation in the Western hemisphere continents, who very quickly distinguish themselves by the Indians as the natives. As a result, Columbus brought great changes to the nations of the Old World.

Colombus outline of the story is not a new problem. He was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. When leaving an adult, he became a captain and a navigator who deftly. Finally Colombus sure not impossible to find a more practical way to areas in eastern Asia by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean and he diligently pioneered the determination. Of course, these great intentions would not have been possible without the cost fairly. That's why Colombus persuade Queen Isabella I provide a budget for the expedition experiments.

His boat Spanish port anchor release dated August 3, 1492. The first pulled over in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa. Weighed anchor in the Canary Islands and sailed on September 6 rate west direction. A cruise is not playing long, so it is not strange that the crew was horrified and wanted to return it. Colombus? No! The trip must be forwarded, once rolled out sail abstinence. And on October 2, 1492 is like a piece of green silk mainland looked at the bow.

Columbus returned to Spain next March of exploration that terrible greeted people with respect. After that, he did a series of sailing across the Atlantic in the hope of setting foot in China and Japan. But in vain! Columbus remained adamant in his mind that he had found the route to East Asia long before others are aware.

Queen Isabella promised Columbus became governor of the island where he encountered. However, as an administrator he has actually incompetent so removed from his post and sent back to Spain with his hands cuffed. However, when they arrived in Spain he was released just never given the post again. Rumours say Columbus died in poverty without any fees. When his death in 1506 another --kabar lagi-- there is also the little wealth.

Ship "Nina," "Pinta" and the "Santa Maria" sailed to the New World

Obviously, the first voyage of Columbus is a revolutionary change in the history of Europe, and even had a greater influence for the European continent. School children all memorize the year 1492 was an important year. Even so there are many possible objections put Colombus names in the order book.

One objection is that instead of Colombus the first European to discover the New World. Leif Ericson, Viking sailors, centuries before Columbus already set foot on the American continent and the so-so believed some other Europeans had also crossed the Atlantic in the period between Leif Ericson and Colombus.

From the point of history, Leif Ericson is not an important figure. Matters concerning his findings have not been widespread, so did not leave any changes both in America and Europe. Instead, news of the discovery of America by Columbus spread like lightning throughout Europe. Just a few years after returning Colombus, and as a direct result of the discovery, many additional expedition arrived in the New World and the conquest and colonization even start.

As with the other characters in this book, Colombus susceptible to various disorders comment as if what he did other people do if Columbus had never lived in the world. European 15th century AD are in a state of worry and berkemelut: growing world trade, exploration of new areas is inevitable. The Portuguese in fact it is very actively seeking new avenues flows to the East, at the decisive moments before Columbus.

"Landing Columbus" by John Vanderlyn

America is likely sooner or later discovered by the Europeans; If it were even possible once there is a delay, a time not so long ago. But the next development will be very much different if the Americans found --katakanlah year 1510-- the expedition the French or English rather than in 1492 by Columbus. With whatever pretext, does in fact Colombuslah man who discovered America.

Possible third objection is, even before the trip Colombus many Europeans of the 15th century that has been advised that in fact the earth is round shape. This theory has been disclosed by the Greek philosophers centuries before, and unshakable justification of hypothesis Aristotle was enough to convince European intellectuals in the 1400s. Meanwhile, Columbus itself is not well-known people who showed that the earth is round. (At least, he did not manage to do so). He was famous in the discovery of the New World, which both Europeans of the 15th century or Aristotle does not know the existence of the American continent.

Morals Colombus not entirely admirable. He is well-known miser. Nature is what caused him to face difficulties in obtaining funding support from Queen Isabella for Columbus too manifest greed when bargaining. Also --walaupun inappropriate accused him according to era ethics size now-- she treated the Indians with cruelty so. Therefore, this list is not made up of people who are most sage in history, but the most influential person, and within the framework of this size Colombus ranks almost at the top.

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Hundred Most Influential People in History
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Translation H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. World Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Central Jakarta
08. JOHANN GUTENBERG (1400-1468)

08. JOHANN GUTENBERG (1400-1468)

Commonly considered the inventor Johann Gutenberg printing press. What he actually did was to develop the first method using printing letters that move and the printing press in the form such that various kinds of written material can be printed quickly and precisely.

There are no findings jumped out of a person's thinking, nor the printing press. Seal and seal sphere that the process adheres to a principle similar to the print block has been known in China centuries before Gutenberg was born and the evidence shows that in the year 868 AD a printed book been discovered in China. A similar process is also well known in Europe before Gutenberg. Block printing allows printing many copies of a particular book. This process has one drawback: because a new and complete set of woodcuts or metal must be made for a book, by itself it is not practical to print a wide variety of books.

Often called the most important contribution was his discovery in the field of Gutenberg printing letters that can move. In this case also a similar case had been found in China around the mid-11th century by a man named Pi Sheng. The letters of the original print made from a kind of land that can not be durable. Meanwhile, some Chinese and Korean have done a series of improvements and work well before Gutenberg. The Koreans use metal printing letters, and the Korean government helped a smelter to produce printed letters at the beginning of the 15th century AD Apart from all this, a mistake to think of Pi Sheng had a special influence. At the first level, Europe did not learn the letters movable from China but on his own creations. Second, scored by means of movable letters in general has never been used in China itself until just recently when modern printing procedures they learned from the West.

There are four essential components of modern printing method. First, print letters that move, following some of the setup procedures and laying of letters established. Second, the printing press itself. Third, matching ink to produce prints. Fourth, materials such as paper to print it. Paper has been found in China years before the printing press by Ts'ai Lun and its use has been widespread in Europe before the days of Gutenberg. That element of the sole of the Gutenberg printing process that is ready so. Although others have done all kinds of work on each component, but Gutenberg has managed to do all kinds of improvements. For example, he developed a metal alloy for printing letters; pouring the liquid metal to print letters blocks appropriately and accurately; oil printing ink and presses required for printing.

Gutenberg Printing Machine
However, the overall contribution of Gutenberg mind is greater than anyone else in terms of improvement of the printing press. Its importance lies in its success primarily combines all the elements of the printing press into a system that is effective and productive. Because of the printing press, in contrast to previous inventions, the production process of large-scale primary. Sepucuk rifle itself far more effectively than a bow and arrow. A printed book is not much different with a book based on the handwriting. Excess printing machine thus lies in terms of its massive production. What has been developed by Gutenberg was not the invention of a device or sense, and not just a series of improvements, but a complete production process.

Biographical repertory us about yourself once a rare Gutenberg, we just know he was born in Germany around 1400 AD in the city of Mainz. Contributions to the art with printing occurs by mid-century and the work terbagusnya-What was called the Gospel Gutenberg-- printed in Mainz around 1454 AD Curiously, Gutenberg name was never listed in any book, nor in the Gospels Gutenberg, although a clear he himself is printed by means of discovery.

Gutenberg never appear as an entrepreneur; really she has no desire to make money from his invention. He was often involved with court charges resulting necessity for him to pay ransom in the form of tools equipment to his friend named Johann Fust. Gutenberg died in 1468 in the city of Mainz.

One page of the Gospels original Gutenberg
One of the effects of Gutenberg in the history of the world can be profitable if we connect with developments in China and Europe in the subsequent periods. At the time of Gutenberg was born, the area was almost as advanced. But after Gutenberg invented the printing press European darted forward rapidly, while the Chinese, who are still using the print blok-- rather slow progress. Perhaps an exaggeration if we say the development of printing the only factors that cause differences in the rate of progress, but the findings clearly have important meaning that can not be removed.

Also noteworthy if only three people on the list this book lived during the five centuries before Gutenberg, while sixty-seven live in the past five centuries after Gutenberg's death. It shows how the invention of the Gutenberg very meaningful, lays penting-- can be called an invention in relation to the withdrawal of the trigger advances the revolution of modern times.

Alexander Graham Bell may even not born into the world, but the phone still found at the same time in history. So also can take a sample of other inventions, without Gutenberg's invention of modern printing will be delayed a few generations, and a great measure of its effects, no one else can honor Gutenberg listed in this list.

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Hundred Most Influential People in History
Michael H. Hart, 1978
Translation H. Mahbub Djunaidi, 1982
PT. World Pustaka Jaya
Jln. Kramat II, No. 31A
Central Jakarta